hana song (d.va) - overwatch


from the moment we met
the melody of my heart has been ringing with premonitions; it can’t be stopped, it won’t be stopped -- why?


i use my sonas as a way of perceiving myself as i find it difficult to see myself as an individual.

────── · 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────

functionoverall spiritual vessel; in charge of everyday encounters, self-discovery, and mental health
responsible forambiversion, impulse control, general knowledge, empathy for others
prone toanxiety, oversensitivity, general stress and feeling overwhelmed
saika (sai)she/they
functionprimary online personality, handles romance, sexuality, and the balancing of relationships
responsible fortalkativity, creativity, extroversion
prone toinsensitivity, impulsivity, procrastination
orion (ori)he/they
functionwork personality, handles encounters in school and work environments
responsible forintroversion, motivation, general education
prone toirrationality, being a pushover, lacking focus


hana song (d.va) - overwatch
source username
instagram@catboyventi | @rennstars | @rennyykins
wattpad@moonchaan | @uwulaur